Austin, TX 78736
Please include a SASE if you'd like your prints returned.
Note that these pictures may take a while to download,
but they are worth the wait!
Summer 2009 -- Jim Garrison
Here is
an album
of pictures from the 2009 Summer Toot, held at the new campus of
Concordia University in Austin, Texas. Most of the photos are indoor
scenes, but keep looking till you find some of the outdoor shots. It is a
gorgeous campus. Thanks to Jim Garrison for the beautiful photos!
Summer 2007 -- Tom Beets
At his first Summer Toot, Tom Beets was inspired to snap a
series of candid
photos of participants, mealtimes, architectural features, and more.
Be prepared for some innovative perspectives!
Summer 2005
At the
2005 Summer
Toot, we were fortunate to have Jane Parsons taking pictures. More
will be added to this page in the near future!
Summer 2004
Pictures from the
2004 Summer
Toot; many thanks to photographer Lynda Abshire!
Summer 1999
Pictures from the very first Summer Toot,
in June of 1999.
Thanks to Jud Maynard for sending these photos taken by his cousin.
Fall Toots in Palestine
Pictures from unspecified years at
Fall Toots in
Palestine at the Lakeview Methodist Conference Center.
Photographer(s) unknown, but they're good pictures!