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Toot Photos Home
Photos! Summer Toot 2004 at Concordia, Austin TX
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Looking out the dorm window through a harp

The walk towards the dorm

Another view of Concordia campus

A beautiful Vitex agnus-castus tree

Another vitex or "chaste tree"

The door into the Krummhorn Konklave room at Opal Divine's on 6th Street

Carol and Kim holding forth at the Konklave

Marilyn, Laurie, Mary, Kaade and Stan buzzing away

The birds-eye view -- into the window from the front patio of Opal Divines

Harald, Tom, Lois and Nancy making beautiful music

Mary and Marilyn comparing "notes"

Who do we have here?  Too many to name, Kim and Suzanne in foreground

Sara demonstrates the krossed krumms grip (Nancy observes)

Stan, Sara, Daniel, Harald, Marilyn, Tom, Danny, Lois -- whew!

Atmospheric, isn't it?  It's all about the music, after all.  And the beer.

Andrew does a little warming up outside on the patio

Sara, with Marilyn and Kaade in the background

Our fearless leaders Tom (conditioning the reed) and Danny