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About the 15th Summer Texas Toot

June 2 – 8, 2013
Mediterranean Musical Miscellany:
France, Italy & Spain, c.1300-c.1750

Saskia Coolen, Mary Springfels, Peter Maund,
Becky Baxter, Robert Wiemken, and Tom Zajac

Photo of Saskia Coolen Photo of Mary Springfels Photo of Peter Maund
Photo of Becky Baxter Photo of Robert Wiemken Photo of Tom Zajac

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Class Schedule & Signup is online!

The Summer Texas Toot offers a one-week program of classes at all levels, focusing on Renaissance and Baroque music, but with offerings for Medieval and 21st century enthusiasts as well. Expert instructors in recorder, viol, early reeds, percussion, lute, harp, and voice will tend to young professionals, seasoned amateurs, and eager beginners with equal care.

Our faculty this year includes some treasured long-time Toot teachers, as well as some exciting new faces. Saskia Coolen joins us from Amsterdam to head up our recorder instructors, and viola da gamba luminary Mary Springfels returns to the Summer Toot. We are happy to bring back longstanding Toot faculty members Tom Zajac as our instructor for "louds" and mixed ensembles, and Becky Baxter for historical harp. Robert Wiemken will return to teach Renaissance double reeds (shawm and dulcian), and we are proud to have Peter Maund teaching percussion this year!

In conjunction with the Toot, there will be several concerts open to the public. Our world-class faculty this year includes:

Our classes include an array of small, one-on-a-part Renaissance and Baroque ensembles and larger mixed vocal and instrumental groups. The size of the workshop enables us to create classes for all levels of students, from those of modest skills to advanced players and singers.

The Summer Texas Toot's home is the campus of Concordia University, a stunning 389-acre site nestled in the Hill Country of Northwest Austin. The new facilities include air-conditioned classrooms, dining, and dorm accommodations, all easily walkable, and filled with trees, shade, and beautiful sunsets. Plan to join us for this friendly but intensive workshop, home to the one-and-only Krummhorn Konklave!

Here is a map of the area around Concordia, as well as driving directions to the campus.

Look at our Faculty bios; the general daily schedule and nightly special events are now posted here on the Toot Website.

If you'd like to spread the word about the Toot, here is a full-color letter-size brochure you can print and hand out (it's designed to be printed double-sided and tri-folded). And here is a paper registration form you can print, fill out and send in.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Texas Tradition!

The Texas Toot Summer Workshop reserves the right to modify programs and faculty rosters in response to enrollment, student preferences, and playing levels.

Additional Contact Info

The Texas Toot
Daniel Johnson, Workshop Director

Feel free to write, call, or email us if you have questions or need further information.

The Texas Toot
PO Box 4328
Austin TX 78765
Phone: (512) 371-0099

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Web work by Bent Sound Research, based heavily on the work of Westryn Internet Services.